The SQLServerFast Execution Plan Video Training – Block 2, basic level

The best way to fix bad performance of SQL Server queries is to look at their execution plans. The SQLServerFast Execution Plan Video Training helps you read and understand those execution plans. For more information about this video course, click here.

This is the basic level of block 2: Reading data. Most performance issues are caused by operators reading too much data, or reading data in an inefficient way. In this block, you will learn how most SQL Server data is organized on disk, and how scan, seek, and lookup operators traverse those storage structures to find the data you need, hopefully as efficient as possible. Understanding these basics will help you write more efficient queries and design more effective indexes.

A total of five chapters, with a total viewing time of 2:46:32 (41:50 demos).
Sold for $24.95 per video, or $99.95 if you purchase the whole level at once.

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View time: 3:55.

A short overview of the contents of each chapter in this level, with fragments from each video.

Chapter 1: Storage structures

View time: 27:49 (2:28 demos).

Storage structures used for “standard” (rowstore on-disk) data.
Heaps, clustered index, nonclustered index.
What are these structures, both conceptually and the internal details (B-tree, heap, IAM pages, index pages, etc)

Chapter 2: Scan operators

View time: 40:59 (9:42 demos).

Operators covered: Table Scan, Index Scan, Clustered Index Scan for “standard” data.
What happens “under the hood” in these operators?
Which properties to look at?
When is a scan better than a seek?
What is predicate pushdown?

Chapter 3: Seek operators

View time: 32:41 (6:39 demos).

Operators covered: Index Seek, Clustered Index Seek for “standard” data.
What happens “under the hood” in these operators? Which properties to look at?
Use case for seek operators.
Considerations for indexing strategy.

Chapter 4: Lookup operators

View time: 35:39 (8:55 demos).

Operators covered: Key Lookup, RID Lookup for “standard” data.
What happens “under the hood” in these operators? Which properties to look at?
Misleading row count estimate when predicate is pushed down.
Avoiding lookups: considerations for clustered index choice; considerations for covering indexes.

Chapter 5: Special scans

View time: 29:24 (14:06 demos).

Operators covered: Constant Scan, Deleted Scan, Inserted Scan.
What happens “under the hood” in these operators? Which properties to look at?
Constant Scan: How to understand its role when used in non-obvious ways.
Deleted Scan, Inserted Scan: Where do these get their data from?

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