Month: January 2014

Database Design training – for free?

When I started this blog, my plan was to focus on two main subject areas. One of them is SQL Server, T-SQL, and performance. The other is database design. Looking back over my post history, I honestly cannot say I delivered on the second area. Not because I have nothing to say about database design, but because I found it doesn’t lend itself for a blog. In the SQL Server / T-SQL area, there are subjects that can be isolated and described in a single post, or in a short series. In database design, I do not see such objects.…

Parameterization and filtered indexes (part 2)

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In my previous post, I demonstrated how the presence of a filtered index can get in the way of successful parameterization, possibly resulting in too much query compilations and procedure cache bloat. I suggest reading that first, because I will go straight where I left off. Use the Force, Luke If you read the previous post very carefully, you will have noticed that I wrote that if a plan is unstable, it is “unsafe for simple parameterization” – and that suggests that SQL Server will not have such inhibitions when using forced parameterization. Let’s have a look. Assuming you still…

Parameterization and filtered indexes (part 1)

Parameterization is a process where SQL Server slightly modifies a query in the parse phase: it replaces constant values by parameters. So if you submit — Query 1 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM   Sales.SalesOrderDetail WHERE  ProductID = 706; the parser will replace this by (and fool the optimizer into thinking you submitted): DECLARE @1 smallint = 706; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM   Sales.SalesOrderDetail WHERE  ProductID = @1; You can verify this very easily. If you go to the actual execution plan and hover over the left-most icon (the SELECT), a popup window will open that shows (a.o.) the query that was fed into the…

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