Month: October 2020

PASS virtual summit: thoughts, pre-con, and sessions

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As you probably already know by now, the 2020 edition of the PASS Summit will be held as a virtual event. Drawbacks That has drawbacks, of course. I’ve been to many PASS Summits in the past, and it’s always a great experience to be among so many fellow data professionals. To be surrounded by thousands of people that I know to have the same passion for data as I do, to face the same struggles in their daily work that I do, and to share my eagerness to absorb more information. The interactions in the hallway, the casual conversations during…

T-SQL Tuesday #131 – Join operators simplified

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Another month, another T-SQL Tuesday. Our host in October, the amazing Rob Volk (b|t), wants us to explain database concepts like he is five. I like that concept. A lot. In fact, I have in the past already written similar posts, such as my explanation of SQL injection in non-technical terms to a twelve-year old grandmother. But that’s an old post, so I cannot use it for this T-SQL Tuesday. So instead, I’ll try to explain the physical join operators SQL Server supports in execution plans using a real life analogy. I don’t think a five year old would understand…

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