T-SQL Tuesday 183 – Permission hell

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The 183rd edition of T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Steve Jones. He has picked everyone’s favorite (cough) topic: permissions, and how to manage them. I am lucky. With my specialization in query performance tuning, I don’t often have to deal with permissions. (Well, apart from of course not getting the permissions I need to do my work effectively). But I have been in contracts where I was the only employee able to spell SQL, and hence all other database tasks also fell in my lap. Including permissions. And yes. I have been in projects where the idea was to investigate…
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T-SQL Tuesday 182 – Integrity

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(I wrote this well in time. Really. I swear. And then … forgot to publish it in time. Oh well. This will then be my T-SQL Wednesday, I guess?) Welcome to the first T-SQL Tuesday of 2025. Hosting duty this time falls on Rob Farley’s shoulders. And he has found a great topic: Integrity. I really love this topic, because, as Rob himself also acknowledges and explains, that single word can mean many things in the Data Platform community. With this being a technical blog, by someone who loves not only execution plans but also data modelling and database design,…
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T-SQL Tuesday 181 – Amazing announcements

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It’s December. The last month of the year, and hence also the last T-SQL Tuesday of the year. Edition 181 is hosted by Kevin Chant. His chosen topic for this episode is to have us talk about which SQL Server announcement excited us the most. This posed a bit of a problem for me. The only truthful answer here is that I have never been as excited about an announced new feature as when the Query Store was announced. But I also realized that I don’t have much to write about the Query Store, except how awesome it is. Okay,…
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T-SQL Tuesday 180 – The enemy of good?

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Another month, another T-SQL Tuesday. Edition 180 already. Our host is Josephine Bush, and she opens a topic that hits close to home for me: is good enough, perfect? I know my weaknesses. I know that my perfectionism is one of them. I know that striving for perfect is not always the best thing to do. I know that perfect is the enemy of good enough. And yet, I also embrace my perfectionism, allow myself to indulge in it … at the right time. Sometimes, good is good enough I am a consultant. Customers pay me money in exchange for…
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Black Friday again

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November is near. Traditionally (in the USA, at least) the month of the Black Friday sales. I have decided to once more join in on that tradition! During the entire month November 2024, I offer a 50% discount on all prices for the SQLServerFast Execution Plan Video Training. And that discount even stacks with the 10% discount code you might have from attending one of my conference sessions, or with the 20% discount code you get when you attend my pre-con! So that is at least half off for everyone, and even more off for some! Execution plan training has…
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T-SQL Tuesday 178 – Misleading data in Query Store

This post is for T-SQL Tuesday 178, hosted by Deepthi Goguri. She invites us to write about a recent technical issue we resolved. So let’s talk about the time I discovered that information in the Query Store might not be what it appears to be. Unexpected delays I was hired by a customer who had a very annoying issue with the daily data load of their data warehouse. The volume of data to be loaded is high and they were already struggling to finish the load before business opens. But that was not their biggest issue. The biggest problem, the…
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Plansplaining part 33 – Fast forward cursors

Welcome back to my plansplaining blog series, where I dissect execution plans in order to increase our understanding of how SQL Server processes specific queries. We’re at part 33 already, and I’m still looking at cursors. After discussing the basics, static cursors, dynamic cursors, and keyset cursors, I will now look at the last of the cursor types: the fast forward cursor. Fast forward cursor One of the things that has always bothered me about the fast forward cursor type is the shocking lack of documentation of what it does exactly. Okay, the name suggests that it is fast. But…
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Plansplaining part 32 – Keyset cursors

Welcome to plansplaining, part 32, where we once more look at cursors. We already discussed the basics, and looked at static cursors and dynamic cursors. It is now time to cast our gaze upon the keyset cursor. The keyset cursor is sort of in between the static cursor (which presents a snapshot of the data is at was when the cursor was opened and disregards future changes) and the dynamic cursor (that always shows the current data). To be precise, a keyset cursor sees changes made to already existing rows, but does not see new rows that were added after…
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Execution plan training around the world

I sometimes hear that query performance tuning is a dying skill. But that is not true! Even in the modern day, with workloads moving to the cloud where you can increase performance by just moving a slider, where a lot of work is done by data analysts, using low-code or no-code solutions with an abstracted view of the data model, and where investments by Microsoft have taught SQL Server how to automatically improve performance in many ways, there is still a need for professionals who know how to investigate and fix a performance problem. Perhaps that need is even growing!…
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Plansplaining part 31 – Dynamic cursors

We’re already at part 31 of the plansplaining series. And this is also the third part in my discussion of execution plans for cursors. After explaining the basics, and after diving into static cursors, it is now time to investigate dynamic cursors. As a quick reminder, recall that a static cursor presents data as it was when the cursor was opened (and does so by simply saving a snapshot of that data in tempdb), whereas a dynamic cursor is supposed to see all changes that are committed while the cursor is open. Let’s see how this change in semantics affects…
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