T-SQL Tuesday 162 – Execution plans according to ChatGPT

I have skipped a lot of T-SQL Tuesdays, because either I did not have the time to write anything, or I felt I had nothing useful to write. That changes with edition #162, hosted by Tomaz Kastrun (b|t). He invites us to talk about data science in the time of ChatGPT. To be fair, I am not going to cover that literal topic. But rather, I used his invitation as an excuse to do something that I have been wanting to do, and yet postponing, for a few months already. And that is to try to assess whether ChatGPT can…
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Which execution plan icons are relevant today?

Back in 2018, when I started working on the SQL Server Execution Plan Reference, I spent quite some time thinking about what icons to show for all operators. I chose at that time to include four sets of icons: the version of the icons in the then current version of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS); the version that was used in SSMS before the complete art rework in SSMS 17.4; the version that was at that time used in the execution plan viewer of Azure Data Studio (ADS); and the version used in SQL Sentry’s free tool, Plan Explorer. This…
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Back home, but still a long way to go

(Warning: This blog post is non-technical but purely personal. I write openly about my current health issues. This blog might be triggering for people who struggle with, or lost dear ones to, cancer and other similar diseases.) This is the eleventh post in a series on my personal road from first signs of leukemia, through diagnosis and treatment, to, hopefully, full recovery. Click here to read all posts in this series. Back home I’m writing this on April 5th. A long time since my previous health update. Most of that time was spent in the hospital, bur I was discharged…
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Relational database design

Over nine years ago, early 2014, I published a video course on Pluralsight. The subject: relational database design. My expectation back then was that there would be some interest in this topic, but not really much. Success story I was wrong. The number of viewers was high right from the start, and has continued to be high all through the years. This course attracted an average of almost 6,000 viewers per year, with almost 15,000 hours per year of view time. Those numbers far exceeded any expectation I had ever had. And what’s more, the numbers are not declining ……
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The final lap

(Warning: This blog post is non-technical but purely personal. I write openly about my current health issues. This blog might be triggering for people who struggle with, or lost dear ones to, cancer and other similar diseases.) This is the tenth post in a series on my personal road from first signs of leukemia, through diagnosis and treatment, to, hopefully, full recovery. Click here to read all posts in this series. Back in the hospital It’s February 10. And I am back in the hospital. Finally. First planned for December 2. Then postponed to January 19, in order to remove…
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Good news, bad news

(Warning: This blog post is non-technical but purely personal. I write openly about my current health issues. This blog might be triggering for people who struggle with, or lost dear ones to, cancer and other similar diseases.) This is the ninth post in a series on my personal road from first signs of leukemia, through diagnosis and treatment, to, hopefully, full recovery. Click here to read all posts in this series. Not a joke We all know them. We all have told them. Jokes (often not very funny) that start with a doctor telling their patient that they’ve got good…
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A quiet period

(Warning: This blog post is non-technical but purely personal. I write openly about my current health issues. This blog might be triggering for people who struggle with, or lost dear ones to, cancer and other similar diseases.) This is the eighth post in a series on my personal road from first signs of leukemia, through diagnosis and treatment, to, hopefully, full recovery. Click here to read all posts in this series. Kidney gone, cancer gone It’s been almost a month since my last health update, here on my blog. High time to share the current status. Only thing of real…
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Black Friday Charity summary

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All through November this year, I have run a variation on Black Friday Sale, called Black Friday Charity. The idea was to take the discount I would have applied for Black Friday Sale, but instead of giving it as a discount, I would give it to charity. You can read all about it in this blog post. November is now over. That means that the Black Friday Charity period is over. Time to summarize the results. Total November sales When I started the Black Friday Charity drive, my hope was to raise at least a thousand dollars for the Leukemia…
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When it rains, it pours

(Warning: This blog post is non-technical but purely personal. I write openly about my current health issues. This blog might be triggering for people who struggle with, or lost dear ones to, cancer and other similar diseases.) This is the seventh post in a series on my personal road from first signs of leukemia, through diagnosis and treatment, to, hopefully, full recovery. Click here to read all posts in this series. Second round of chemotherapy As I write this, I am back home. I was released from the hospital last week. At that time I was still recovering from the…
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A long overdue update

(Warning: This blog post is non-technical but purely personal. I write openly about my current health issues. This blog might be triggering for people who struggle with, or lost dear ones to, cancer and other similar diseases.) This is the sixth post in a series on my personal road from first signs of leukemia, through diagnosis and treatment, to, hopefully, full recovery. Click here to read all posts in this series. My original plan to keep posting frequent updates has not worked out. It’s almost a month since the previous update. My plan for this post is to go through…
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