Black Friday Charity

November last year, I ran a Black Friday Sale. As an experiment, not at all sure what to expect. I got to admit, I was pleasantly surprised and at that time I strongly considered making it a yearly tradition. But I changed my mind. I’ll still do something similar during November. It’ll be a kind of hybrid Black Friday Sale plus charity drive. I call it: “Black Friday Charity”. How will that work? For me as the seller, it’s the same as a normal Black Friday Sale: Any product that normally sells for a hundred bucks brings in only fifty…
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The calm before the storm

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(Warning: This blog post is non-technical but purely personal. I write openly about my current health issues. This blog might be triggering for people who struggle with, or lost dear ones to, cancer and other similar diseases.) This is the fifth post in a series on my personal road from first signs of leukemia, through diagnosis and treatment, to, hopefully, full recovery. Click here to read all posts in this series. I have fallen a bit behind with my writing. I started writing this on Monday, September 26th, and I hope to finish it on Tuesday, September 27th. But this…
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First day in the hospital

(Warning: This blog post is non-technical but purely personal. I write openly about my current health issues. This blog might be triggering for people who struggle with, or lost dear ones to, cancer and other similar diseases.) This is the fourth post in a series on my personal road from first signs of leukemia, through diagnosis and treatment, to, hopefully, full recovery. Click here to read all posts in this series. I write this on Wednesday, September 21st. My third day as a hospitalized patient on chemotherapy. I was planning to write about the past three days but as I…
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Last day at home

(Warning: This blog post is non-technical but purely personal. I write openly about my current health issues. This blog might be triggering for people who struggle with, or lost dear ones to, cancer and other similar diseases.) This is the third post in a series on my personal road from first signs of leukemia, through diagnosis and treatment, to, hopefully, full recovery. Click here to read all posts in this series. This post is about Sunday, September 18th. The day before my hospitalization, my last day at home in a long time. Just a typical last day before a prolonged…
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A badly timed toothache

(Warning: This blog post is non-technical but purely personal. I write openly about my current health issues. This blog might be triggering for people who struggle with, or lost dear ones to, cancer and other similar diseases.) Earlier this week I shared with the community the sad news that I have been diagnosed with leukemia. This post is a follow-up on that one. First of all, thanks to all who responded to my blog and tweets about my health issue. I have received lots of responses: here, on twitter, by mail, and through several platforms. I cannot respond to all…
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Involuntary break from speaking

(Warning: This blog post is non-technical but purely personal. I write openly about my current health issues. This blog might be triggering for people who struggle with, or lost dear ones to, cancer and other similar diseases.) I was recently forced to cancel two speaking engagements at the last minute – almost literally the last minute. I have also cancelled all upcoming conferences, and withdrawn submissions for events that had not finalized their session selection yet. And I will not submit to any events for the foreseeable future. This is not something I do lightly. I hate having to cancel…
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T-SQL Tuesday #151 – Coding standards

Edition #151 of T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Mala Mahadevan (b|t), and her chosen topic is to write about coding standards. Or more specifically, T-SQL coding standards. Uhm … are you trying to tell me that there are other programming languages? 😉 The nice thing about standards … “The nice things about coding standards is that there are so many to choose from”. This quote, usually attributed to Andrew S. Tannenbaum, bears a lot of truth. There are indeed many standards. And the debates over which standard is better and which standard should be burned and buried can rage into…
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Understanding Memory Fractions

Some time ago a reader reached out to me with a request for help. He showed me a query and accompanying execution plan, and asked if I could help reduce (or, better yet, eliminate) the many hash spills that were killing his performance. While helping him work through the plan, I was once more reminded of one of my pet peeves with execution plans: we get to see the requested memory for the plan (the Memory Grant and MemoryGrantInfo properties), which is of course based on the estimated total memory usage of operators that are active at the same time.…
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More Execution Plan Video Training – pre-order now!

Do you like to learn about execution plans? And do you want to save money? Then this post is for you! Execution Plan Video Training Tuning query performance works best if you understand what you can learn from reading execution plans. And if you want to get the most out of each execution plan you see, then you need to know what all operators and properties tell you. The most in-depth and complete learning resource for that is the SQLServerFast Execution Plan Video Training. The only problem with this resource is that it’s not ready yet. Announcing … block 2,…
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T-SQL Tuesday #150 – My first technical job

I’ll admit, I’ve been slacking the T-SQL Tuesday habit for a much too long time. Almost a year since the last time I joined. Time to get back into it! This month, our host is Kenneth Fisher (b|t). He challenges all the #SQLFamily member to reminiscence about their first ever technical job. Is this a secret plot to figure out who of us are too old to remember that far back? Or just human interest? I’ll always remember my first! No matter how many senior moments I have in my life, I don’t think I will ever forget my first…
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