Decks and demos – Session material for Silicon Valley Code Camp

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This weekend, I will be presenting two sessions at Silicon Valley Code Camp, in Los Altos Hills, CA. On Saturday, I will have an early start – the first time slot of the day, at 9:45 AM, I will present on how T-SQL user-defined functions can easily wreck your performance – and how you can prevent that. On Sunday afternoon (1:15 PM), I will then present a session on the OVER clause, focusing on how both the SQLL Server 2005 version and the enhanced SQL Server 2012 syntax of this feature can help you solve common problems without having to…
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Book review: SQL Server Transaction Log Management

It was an offer I could not resist. I was promised a free copy of one of the newest books from Red Gate Books, SQL Server Transaction Log Management (by Tony Davis and Gail Shaw), with the caveat that I should write a review after reading it. Mind you, not a commercial, “make sure we sell more copies” kind of review, but a review of my actual thoughts. Yes, I got explicit permission to be my usual brutally honest self. A total win/win for me! First, I get a free book – and free is always good, right? And second,…
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Jetzt geht’s los – speaking in Germany!

It feels just like yesterday that I went to Munich for the very first German edition of SQL Saturday – and it was a great event. An agenda that was packed with three tracks of great sessions, and lots of fun with the organization, attendees, and other speakers. That was such a great time that I didn’t have to hesitate long before deciding that I wanted to repeat this event this year. Especially when I heard that it will be held in Rheinland, on July 13 – that is a distance I can travel by car! The only potential problem…
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Why does SQL Server not compress data on LOB pages?

Enabling compression on your database can save you a lot of space – but when you have a lot of varchar(max) or nvarchar(max) data, you may find the savings to be limited. This is because only data stored on the data and index pages is compressed, and data for the (max) data types is generally stored on other, special-purpose pages – either text/image pages, or row overflow data pages. (See Understanding Pages and Extents in Books Online). This is from the SQL Server 2008R2 Books Online, but it is still valid in SQL Server 2012 – but apparently, this page…
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Bleeding Edge 2012 – session material

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As promised, here are the slide deck and demo code I used for my presentation at the Bleeding Edge 2012 conference in Laško, Slovenia. Okay, I promised to have them up by Tuesday or Wednesday at worst, and it is now Saturday – my apologies for the delay. Thanks again to all the attendees of my session. I hope you enjoyed it, and if you have any question then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. I had a great time in Slovenia, both during the event and in the after hours. Even if everything the tour guide…
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SQLRally Nordic 2012 – session material

As some of you might know, I have been to SQLRally Nordic 2012 in Copenhagen earlier this week. I was able to attend many interesting sessions, I had a great time catching up with old friends and meeting new people, and I was allowed to present a session myself. I understand that the PowerPoint slides and demo code I used in my session will be made available through the SQLRally website – but I don’t know how long it will take the probably very busy volunteers to do so. And I promised my attendees to make them available through my…
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T-SQL User-Defined Functions: the good, the bad, and the ugly (part 4)

Scalar user-defined functions are bad for performance. I already showed that for T-SQL scalar user-defined functions without and with data access, and for most CLR scalar user-defined functions without data access, and in this blog post I will show that CLR scalar user-defined functions with data access fit into that picture. First attempt Sticking to my simplistic example of finding the triple of an integer value by reading it from a pre-populated lookup table and following the standard recommendations and templates that Microsoft publishes for CLR scalar table-valued functions, my first attempt for this function looked like this: [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(DataAccess=DataAccessKind.Read,    …
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Upcoming speaking engagements – want to meet me?

I have a very busy time ahead of me, with lots of travel, lots of speaking engagements, and hence lots of opportunity to meet and catch up with what has become known as the SQL Family. (An excellent term, by the way – it describes exactly how it has always felt to me!) So, for everyone who want to know when and where they can meet me (as well as for everyone who wants to make sure to stay as far away from me as possible), here is my schedule for the rest of the year, in chronological order: ·…
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T-SQL User-Defined Functions: the good, the bad, and the ugly (part 3)

I showed why T-SQL scalar user-defined functions are bad for performance in two previous posts. In this post, I will show that CLR scalar user-defined functions are bad as well (though not always quite as bad as T-SQL scalar user-defined functions). I will admit that I had not really planned to cover CLR in this series. But shortly after publishing the first part, I received an email from Adam Machanic, which basically said that I should make clear that the information in that post does not apply to CLR functions. So I dutifully added a comment to that post, and…
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T-SQL User-Defined Functions: the good, the bad, and the ugly (part 2)

In a previous blog post, I demonstrated just how much you can hurt your performance by encapsulating expressions and computations in a user-defined function (UDF). I focused on scalar functions that didn’t include any data access. In this post, I will complete the discussion on scalar UDFs by covering the effect of data access in a scalar UDF. Note that, like the previous post, this all applies to T-SQL user-defined functions only. SQL Server also supports CLR user-defined functions (written in a .Net language like C# or VB.Net); those are not in the scope of this blog post. Data access…
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